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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Nik Aziz lends support to Hadi's call


KOTA BHARU, March 27: PAS Murshidul Am Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat(pic) is the latest among top PAS leaders who have backed a proposal by PAS president Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang to replace the word 'Tuhan' (God) in Rukun Negara with 'Allah'.

The Kelantan Menteri Besar said the use of the word 'Allah' will help to clear the confusion currently prevalent in the Malaysian society.
"People are confused. Allah is god, Jesus is god, even the graveyard is considered god - so which is the true God? If we stick to one name - Allah - then we can explain to those who are confused about the true meaning (and concept) of God," he told reporters after attending a function organised for the disabled at Perdana Resort today.
Hadi had mooted the idea to use the word 'Allah' instead of 'Tuhan' (God) in the first principle of the Rukun Negara, "Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan" (Belief in God), while debating the royal address at the parliament.
The other four principles of Rukun Negara are loyalty to King and country, supremacy of the Constitution, rule of law, and courtesy and morality.
Earlier, PAS vice president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man and Youth chief Nasrudin Hassan Tantawi had backed Hadi's proposal.
Nasrudin, describing the proposal as timely, said non-Muslims too had recently asserted their right to use the term "Allah". Nasrudin provided a list of seven state anthems in which the word Allah has been used without any opposition from non-Muslim Malaysians.
"Amending the Rukun Negara to include the word 'Allah' will unite Malaysians to understand and observe the true value of divinity. While it adheres to the Muslim creed, it also does not clash with the non-Muslims' believes and their concept of godhood," said Nasrudin.
Murshidul Am
Nik Aziz also assured that PAS would do its best to explain to the people should there arise any misunderstanding by the usage of the term 'Allah'.
Meanwhile, Nik Aziz said he would accept any responsiblity given by PAS's Ulama Consultative Council should he be reappointed as the Murshidul Am. He however added he had no problem if there was someone new to replace him.
At its meeting on March 23, the Council appointed four new members to the powerful body, but will only name the Murshidul Am, the party's most influential and revered position, at its next meeting which will include new members. The Youth and Muslimat wings will also be represented in the Ulama Council following the recent amendments to the party's constitution.


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